Call me cal does not share the costume making details of the DIY dog dinosaur costume, but I think I can help. You can buy a plain Green dog hoodie from Amazon for less than $10. Then use felt to add spots, armor, teeth and eyes. You can sew the felt on your just use glue! Easy!
PETS: DIY dog dinosaur costume
KIDS: DIY Frozen Costumes
Have you ever heard the song “Let it Go”? Of course you have! Like it or not, it is everywhere and kids love it! Here are a few fun DIY Frozen costumes for you and the kiddos to make together for dress up or for Halloween! Debra from Housewife Eclectic whipped up this DIY Anna cloak with pink fleece and black pom pom’s! See the complete Frozen costume details here.
And here’s a DIY Elsa cape:
And here is a DIY Frozen princess dress tutorial!
COUPLES: Raggedy Anne and Andy costume
The proper pinwheel crafted up this awesome Raggedy Anne and Raggedy Andy couples costume. Red yarn wigs and proper makeup are a must for this costume. The plaid shirts, white apron, and red bandana you can certainly find at a thrift store. Then, just add ruffle suspenders to Raggedy Andy’s shirt with pins or tape!
See more of this clever couple costume details here.
KIDS: Pig in a blanket costume
This is a great costume for a sleepy kiddo who loves to be cozy, and for mama that doesn’t want to sew or spend a fortune on a costume! All you need for the pig in a blanket costume is a pig eared headband, a pink pair of pants and shirt, and a pig nose. Oh and of course you’ll need a blanket! See all of the costume making details on Real Simple.
BABIES: DIY Flamingo costume
Elsie Blaha turned her sweet little girl into flamingo! She notes that the costume is not very functional, the flamingo head does not stand straight up. So, the costume really only works for pictures on the ground or maybe resting in a stroller! The entire costume is made out of felt and absolutely adorable! See more DIY flamingo costume details here. And if you loved this costume, check out the DIY flamingo costume for adults!
KIDS: DIY Pinata costume
Parties for pennies crafted up an awesome (and super simple) DIY pinata costume using a paper bag and crepe paper. Genius! I also love the little sign she added, “Fill with candy here!” This costume is no sew and costs under $5 bucks to make… perfect!
Oh and if you liked this costume post, be sure and check out this DIY dog pinata costume and handmade adult pinata costume too!
KIDS: DIY Firefighter costume
Parties for Pennies turned her little boys into firefighters with some simple items you most likely have at home! You’ll need black pants, shoes, a white t-shirt, and yellow Duck Tape. Oh and of course red fire fighter hats!
For the full DIY firemen costume tutorial, check out Parties for Pennies.
ADULTS: DIY Barbie costume
COUPLES: Forrest Gump and Jenny costume
Forrest Gump is one of my all time favorite movies, so I’m pretty excited to share this DIY Forrest Gump and Jenny costume idea with y’all. The costume idea and beautiful pictures are from Mary Costa. I think the key elements of this costume are the plaid shirt and red hat for Forrest and the flower headband, instrument, and hippie dress for Jenny! It’s perfect!
See lots more details of this creative couples costume on Mary Costa.
ADULTS: No sew bunny ears
These super cute no sew bunny ears are perfect for everyone! And best of all, they are so easy to make you can make them for everyone! One little minute whipped these up with a hot glue gun, felt, a headband, and blush! Yep, blush like you put on your face! Aren’t the fun?
See the full no sew bunny ears tutorial here.